We’ve had our kitties just a few weeks now. Max, the tiger, is 3, and Mitzi, the Maine coon is 5. We rescued them from someone who rescued them about 3 years ago. Her living situation was changing and, for the kitties’ well being, she was desperately trying to find new living arrangements for them. The arrangement was perfect for us because our household had finally settled down enough that we felt we were ready. (Granted, we’d been thinking one and got two, but that isn’t new in our life, either! “One more,” I begged Hubbs for another child, and we got two that time, too!)
Every day they’ve been here they have filled our lives with life. Meows, forced back rubs, or running through our feet when we are sitting. “Here we are!!!” they demanded.
Hubbs takes care of the food and water situation and I take care of the litter boxes. After 12 weeks, it became obvious that the closet in which their boxes were kept were really too small for them to do business. I mean, look at them! They are monster cats. It seemed as if Max was twisting himself into a pretzel to get things done.
Yesterday, I finally moved their facilities to down in the basement. There is a little space behind the stairs where it is private yet not confining. During my usual too-early-in-the-morning potty break, I was curious to see how the kitties did. Yes, I was petrified there might be presents for us outside the closet door where they had been going. I was happy to see that, throughout the house, no accidents. But I didn’t see any kitties!
I was a little disappointed to see that both Max and Mitzi have decided to make the basement their home. We have loved seeing them curled up somewhere in the house these last few weeks. Maybe they are just giving these new sleeping places a try. (The basement door has been shut at night since they discovered it. Of course, with the facilities down there now, it must stay open until the cat door get installed.)
Sigh. The main floor seemed a little empty this morning, but that reminded me how much we treasure our new “little” family.
MDT/Diana Bowden Moore